All the videos you need for knitting
All the videos you need for knitting
Whether youre an English or Continental knitter, this app has got you covered. The clarity of the directions and videos are undeniably awesome.
I love this app! Im brand new to knitting and this has been SO helpful, but I particularly love that all the info and videos are self-contained so I dont need to be on wifi or use cellular data to watch or read anything - which is great when Im traveling. Its a hefty download but well worth the price. The videos are good quality, close up, and short so you can see exactly what you need to learn.
Without the weight of a book!
Consider yourself, as I was, floating in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea on a gorgeous cruise ship, sitting on your veranda knitting a tiny pair of socks that were the only thing that fit in your carry on bag. Ooops. Youve just totally forgotten how to do a SSK, and you try a few failed attempts and know youre ruining those beautiful socks. But youre screwed, because internet is a buck fifty a minute at sea, and voila, you remember Knitting Help is loaded on your phone!!! Problem solved!! Ive been knitting in National Parks with no access and repeatedly can go back and watch the already downloaded videos 12x til my feeble brain gets it!! Love this app!!! Would pay 4 times its price for it!